Saturday, January 29, 2011


Model Zebra

My favorite

Peace, Zebra-dude!

Good wide shot

They're just like horses! Except, way better (:

Gotta love those patterns!

I love how they follow each other (:

Here's some Impala, just for kicks.

And, a lovely flower to end it (:
<3Mary Bette

Friday, January 28, 2011


Oh boy, do I have a lot of explaining to do. Sorry everyone for the lack of updating. I've had my hands full trying to get everything in order I suppose. [=
I wanted to post the videos but it's giving me a hard time! Boo to this program that i'm using. It keeps shortening the videos and the editing feature is pretty whack ... this is when a MAC would totally be handy. *sigh*

Anyway when we arrived to Johannesburg (Joburg) after our combined total of a 21 hour flight, we got settled at the Road Lodge Hotel and were able to use 10 minutes of internet to let our families know how we were and that we were safe. We walked to a place nearby called the "Apple Bite" for dinner. I had a toasted cheese and tomato while others had the same, burgers, or a pizza. It was nice to hang out. They also took our order from a barcode system which was pretty smart.

The next day we would be going to Soweto, which is a township located a little bit outside of Joburg. It was really fun because our tour guide was amazing! She was really nice and pretty comedic. We visited the place where a monument of their constitution or bill of rights is. It is shaped like an ice cream cone and made of brick. A man there would play the South African national anthem via recorder and then a few songs with his nose! It was pretty hilarious. We also toured around and saw the Black Madonna Catholic church, Hector Pieterson monument, Nelson Mandela's house, Rev. Desmond Tutu's house, as well as the FIFA World Cup Stadium! Joburg was quite a busy place to be (:

We then went back to the airport and had to fly to Durban, South Africa. The drive was almost two hours but was pretty fun since we saw BEAUTIFUL landscape and were excited the whole time. We just wanted a place to stay and to finally see our campus. TIA TIA!! This is Africa!!! (: We even sang the Pokemon theme song. Awesome.

When we got there we had natives (probably Zulu?) do a dance for us and welcome us. Omann you guys I totally got all of this on video!! I hope to figure out how to post these things soon! Yah so we had a quick orientation and went to our rooms and ish. I have a video of the tour as well!

We went to church on Sunday at Papa Reg's parish which was called North Hills Church. It was a nice service and the people were very welcoming. But I still felt left out; like something was missing. Luckily, today Janet and SJ told me that they found a church for me. I AM SO GRATEFUL. MY HEART IS SINGING.

So for the past few days we have been going to to class and going to eat. Hahah and I mean EAT. We eat three full meals a day PLUS the two tea breaks (at 1030 and at 1600. The tea breaks are soooo good though because we get a respite from class and we usually get yummy biscuits (cookies)!!!

Clinical was at East Boom clinic which was really eye-opening and great!!! I love the African people and I can't wait for more experiences that will really test my mind, my heart and my soul (:
HIV/AIDS is really sad, I must admit. Also, the drugs can also be very detrimental with their side effects.
God is really working in our lives here.
We drove through the beautiful hills of townships such as Haniville, Copesville, Cinderella and around Mason's Clinic (an old farm mill turned into clinical site). We drove through farms and saw lots of sugar cane!!!! I mean, LOTS!!!
Haha, we also went into the downtown (busy, busy street) and I had to drop off paperworks for Sister (nurse) Glenda. She is a fun person to drive with, I must say. Let's just say.... you got to experience to believe it. Hahah speaking of driving, the roads here can be REALLLY steep and people stop in the middle of main intersections and can start backing up. CRAZY. lols.

Today was FRIDAY and another day of class. It was REALLY interesting. Ethics makes me happy.
When we got out of class (not for tea time)... when it actually ended, our classmates were on the slip and slide. I also have a video of this (pretty rad).

Also I saw a monkey today up to no good near the offices. lols. He had a white fruit in its mouth.

Tonight we had dinner with Janet since it was her 23rd birthday. Janet is one of the nicest and coolest gals here. She is one of our Community Life Coordinators (CLCs) and she really cares for us. The other CLCs are Reagan and Sarah Jane (SJ). Everyone here is wonderful. Did I mention HOW BEAUTIFUL our campus is?!?!

So yah on my facebook I posted pictures of our din din. I had calamari and a baked potato, so it was very American-like, but yummy! We had good fellowship with the nursing students as well as 5 other girls, but they were at another table. Lols, we played truth or dare on Janet's phone and Kelly pointed out that I make a peace sign and squint my eyes. omannn. Hahaha gotta love it!

Everything so far has been amazing. The only "complaint" I would have is the bugs, but whatev. Our room is a bit small, but its no big deal. We manage like beasts (: I'm getting used to it and loving it. Showers have been good lately and all that jazz.

Tomorrow we have our first official weekend excursion from AE (African Enterprise)! Too excited. Plus Lauren and I will be awake early tomorrow morning to go see the Zebra (:

Whoo!!! I can't wait.
Good night,, take care, *muah*

<3 Michie

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Yeah, i'm in love with flowers.

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet,

but, so are YOU!

Friends are...

flowers that...

never fade.


I took these when I went exploring (:
Enjoy everyone (: I will make a massive update soon.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Photographs as promised...

Inside the Ice Cream Cone (the Freedom Tower) Look at the Cross it makes (:

South African Flag. Awesome.

My man, Mandela, inside a Black Madonna Church

Amazing Beauty. Yah it's like this everywhere.


Driving through Joburg/Soweto

FIFA World Cup

Inside the Apartheid Museum

Those men danced for me. Lols.

Yes, it's a party that we've arrived.

4 mile hike around the Game Reserve right next to our campus  (A.E.)... Beasts!

Yah, it's breathtaking.

For your wallpapers. Your welcome.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Almost there.

Time is not slowing down and January 19th is FAST approaching! I am really excited but know that I will miss all of the people I am leaving behind.
Right now my parents are on medical mission in the Philippines and will be coming back February 2nd. I pray for their safe return and good health.

Right now I'm spending last minute time with my Lola, JJ (thanks for the lobster!!!!), good friends (you know who you are) and my love, Bryan. Everyone has been really supportive of my decision to go to South Africa. I could not ask for a better family, nor could I ask for more amazing friends like I have now!
I'm currently in phase of last minute packing, getting Research homework done, and studying for Exam #2 on Monday. Whew!
In God, all things are possible!

I love you all and I hope to keep on going.

<3 Mary Bette

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Hello, everyone. I welcome all those who will be reading this blog of mine. I personally love blogging, yet I do not do it as often as I would like. I hope to take you on my journey and hopefully show you some pretty awesome stuff that goes on in these next 4 months of adventure. 

So our journey had to begin with preparation. No one said it was going to be easy. We just finished the first week of two, which was CUH-RAY-ZAY.

I must say, however, the experiences have been great yet tiring. I feel like clinical being day after day keeps me on my toes. There has not been much downtime really. I feel like I only have a couple hours in the evening. and then I start the next day all over again. I have 2 exams in these two weeks, 90 clinical hours to accomplish and 15 hours of lecture tied in as well.

Stay tuned everybody, it will be quite an experience to be remembered!!

-Mary Bette